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New art, new year!

Happy 2016! I can't believe we are already saying that- but here it is!! 2015 was filled with a lot of amazing ups and downs and twists and turns- and it looks like 2016 will bring more excitement and adventures. To which I say, bring it on!!

To wrap up 2015 I created a collage on my instagram page with a few highlights of what has been keeping me busy over the last year. To be fair, I probably should have made a collage of my dog to accompany the painting shots, since she really is the other half of my instagram. Hey, everyone needs a muse, right?

So to kick things off in a creative and mindful way, I have decided to participate in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge for January. I will be working on a very large scale in oils for some future projects, so those don't exactly lend themselves to a painting a day exercise- and the January weather in North Dakota isn't my idea of plein air weather! That's ok though- there is always something to learn. I have been playing around with watercolors just long enough to realize that I have A LOT to learn!! So that is my goal. Read and research a little, experiment A LOT, and repeat. Times 30!

My first submission is, of course, pickles. Sorry! I am a woman obsessed. They are a bright beacon of summer in our winter cabinets!! I love that they are a self-contained little world of bright colors and nostalgia- for me anyhow. This may be one of the last jars we canned though, so I may have to seek inspiration from elsewhere until our next canning season.

I will be posting new work daily on instagram to stay accountable, so feel free to follow me there. I will also post a few more updates here with pictures of what I have been working on, what has been inspiring me, and maybe a picture or two of the loyal and trustworthy studio pup. So keep checking back- and thanks for all of your interest and support!!

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