Teaching Artist Resident - new to the roster, hopefully coming to a school district near you soon!

I am SO happy to announce that I have OFFICIALLY been added to the artist in residence teaching roster for the North Dakota Council on the Arts! This is a huge honor- and as much as I am over the moon about the idea of being able to share my love of art with the school children of North Dakota, it is also exciting to be involved with such a forward thinking program! So much science is finally coming out supporting what so many artists and teachers already knew- art is really important! Being exposed to music, dance, and the visual arts all open up our brains to soak up information in ways that will enrich our lives for as long as we live- so lets get those kiddos started young!

Anyhow, now you know what that headshot was for!
If you know any North Dakota school children, please encourage their school administrators to take advantage of this amazing program. A local artist will work with your school's teachers to integrate their curriculum into their artistic process in a way that will make their studies come alive- and the program is an absolute bargain for the schools! When the artist is a North Dakota artist, 70% of the costs are funded directly by grants from NDCA! How cool is that?
I should also mention that Rebecca from NDCA is incredibly friendly and happy to help, so much so that the grant could be applied for (on behalf of, and with the cooperation of the school) by anyone willing that is looking for an opportunity to bring a super cool experience to their school. Teachers, parents, grandparents, PTO members, I am looking at you!