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Upcoming Local Art Shows in the Bismarck Area

There are a few art events coming up in the Bismarck area, and I know I am excited about them- so I thought I should share!

Tomorrow the library foundation will be presenting the Art of Books event featuring art inspired by literature. Since it is a fundraiser for the public library, tickets are $15. What a bargain- support a great cause, eat and drink tasty things and look at great art!

art inspired by books library event

In case you aren't able to attend, I do have a preview of the piece I contributed. It is titled "Paris was cold and clear and lovely" after a line from Hemingway's A Moveable Feast, but I have joked that it could have just as easily been titled after another of my favorite lines from the same novel: "Never travel with anyone you don't love."

impressionist paris sky painting

I read A Moveable Feast before we flew into Paris last October, and waxed poetic about being an American abroad surrounded by artistic, displaced souls searching the globe for inspiration, comfort or just a great drink in a nowhere cafe. I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of inspiration that Hemingway drew from the city itself as well as the great museums of Paris. He wrote "I was learning something from the painting of Cezanne that made writing simple true sentences far from enough to make the stories have the dimensions that I was trying to put in them. I was learning very much from him but I was not articulate enough to explain it to anyone. Besides it was a secret." Often, I feel that my favorite authors are telling me secrets that I try to use in my paintings, so I was tickled to see that he thought the same of his favorite painters.

Next Friday if you are in Bismarck and free, be sure to stop by the Bismarck Downtown Art Cooperative for Teaching Artists and What's Happening out East.

bismarck downtown art coop

The exhibit will hang from May 6 - May 28th, and the opening reception is May 6th from 5:30-8:00. This exhibit showcases works by area artists that are teachers and artists from the eastern part of North Dakota.I will be showing a new painting called "A Look Back at a Stormy Sky and A Yellow Field".

prairie sky painting

I look forward to seeing everyone who is able to attend at these events- and if not this time, I hope I will catch you at the next one!

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